Last Sunday, Adam and i followed my mum and my siblings to visit my grandfather and my relatives graves.
Though last Sunday was All Saints Day, we still decided on going on that day as Monday is a working day. Anyway, the purpose for Adam and i to go to the cemetery is not because of All Souls Day, but as a sign of respect to visit my ancestors grave. Islam does not stop you from visiting the grave of your family members, even though they are not muslim themselves.
So we left the house at 9.30am, and headed straight to St John Church, coz mom and the siblings when there for morning mass. They had earlier purchase the flowers in Petaling Street, and based on what the sis told me, the flowers were almost sold out.
By the time we reached Cheras Cemetery it was almost 11am. It was jam as normal, but we manage to get a parking spot near the old chapel.
The first grave we visited, is my foster great grandmother, based on what mum said was that this foster grandmother of mine actually took care of nanny when nanny's biological mom past away during the Japanese War. Guess what she's a Japanese herself, but her name sounds like Mat Saleh - Jane Dewitt. Thankfully her grave was clean, and it was under the tree shade. Adam help to scrub her tombstone, while all of us cleaned the grave site. Mom and siblings offered some prayers, candles & flowers.
Next stop, was my great grandparents grave along with my grand uncle and grand aunty. This grave is more unique coz there is four body sharing the same grave site. My grand uncle & my grand aunt's body was actually cremated if i'm not wrong, due to lack of land. There is still two available slots on it. This time the cross look like it had a crack, so we didn't scrub it at all... just wipe. As per-normal mom and the siblings did what they do and we left for the next one.
The last one, is actually my grandfathers grave site. He past away days before my mom's PMR exam. I understand that both nanny and grandpa were actually in-laws. Grandpa originally married Nanny's sister, but her sister past away. At that period of time, Nanny's first husband who is a Chinese also passed away, and years later they got married.
So, anyways this time i made an effort to buy a small can of black paint, coz the words on the gravestone were fading. Brought a brush along too. But when we got there, the first thing we had to do was start a small fire, coz there were too many Kerangga going around. Anyway while the smoke was doing it's job, i was busy doing some minor renovation on grandpa's tombstone, while being suffocated with the tons of smoke. Thank Allah s.w.t for head scarf, i actually had to use it to cover my nose, through out the burning session.
Anyway, once the Kerangga has gone... i was still continuing my job, amanda was helping at the same time, by using a twig... which pretty mess up a little with the tomb stone, but never mind that, at least we got our job done. Mean while the lil brother stop the ice cream man, to get a few cones of ice cream for each one of us... yum... yum...
By the time we left the place it was almost 1pm... i wish i took some snap shots... but i feel that it was too inappropriate to do so, since my intentions to be there is not to blog, but to remind myself that this will be our abode when we die. It's more of a plane terminal to another realm which is the grave...
Life is to short for us to just take it for granted and ignore our real purpose in this 'dunia' (earth). As muslims, this 'Dunia' is just a place for the mukmins (believers) to go through trial and tribulations. The real world is when we are in Jannah (heaven). That is where everything is eternal and complete. Everything that we ever want will be there, prayers that were not answered while we're in this Dunia, will all be answered in Jannah and that's the beauty of it.
So let's remind ourselves to always worship Allah s.w.t , to remind ourselves that this Dunia is just temporary... and not to live this life, as though this is the place that we're destined to live. We're put in this Dunia by Allah s.w.t... so that we will strive to be in a better place later on after death, to fully commit ourselves to him... and to always remember that he is always there to watch our every single moves. Never ever take things for granted by saying i'll do this sin now, and i'll repent later.. coz we'll never know when Allah s.w.t will send the Angel Of Death to pull out our soul, it maybe tomorrow, or the next day or next week, next month, next year? or it could be just in mere seconds that we will just be gone from this Dunia.
I hope and pray that Allah s.w.t will guide each one of us while we're still in this Dunia, and i ask of Allah s.w.t to bless us all with the knowledge that this Dunia is not everything and Jannah is our eternal paradise and we should strive for it every single day... insyallah
~@lisha Meliss@~
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Mama's conversion to Islam
3 weeks back, Mama decided to say her 'syahadah', everyone of us in the family was so happy for her.
So we decided to bring her to JAWI, we left at about 10.30am from home. By the time we were there it was already 11am. So as usual the procedure is to write your name in the guest book, photocopy of your ic, and two passport size photo for filing purposes and not forgetting two muslim witnesses above the age of 18 years old.
We all followed mama into the room, she had to fill up some forms and all. Next the Ustaz explained what Islam is all about, the 5 pillars of Islam which is:-
1. Recite the Syahadah (Ashadu-ala ila ha ilallah, Wa ash-hadu-ana-muhammadar-rasullulah) - I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Prophet Muhammad is his Messenger.
2. Solat - basically praying 5 times a day.
3. Fasting during the whole month of Ramadhan
4. Zakat - Fitrah & pendapatan. Fitrah is usually paid during the month of Ramadhan, and it's according to the state government. For e.g. this year's zakat Fitrah rate was RM7.
5. Haj (Pilgrimage) - This is only when you have the means to go. If you don't it's not compulsory.
Once everything was explained, Mama said her syahadah and the Ustaz recited a prayer. We were all so glad and happy for Mama. Next they had to take her picture to prepare her Muslim card (which is similar to IC, but more of a temporary card before you change your ic.) Than they gave her a gift, which basically consist of Sejadah (the prayer mat), Telekung (garment during prayer) & Fardhu Ain Books (basic books on Islam & the practice).
Currently, there's also another benefit that all new converts will get which is basically an amount of RM1500. This is given by the Pusat Zakat of KL, and it really helps especially for those who have loss their jobs, and those that are in need.
I do have to state that my purpose of stating the earlier paragraph is not to lure more people into Islam in a wrong way. But to inform those, who have thought of being a muslim, to understand that the muslim community is here to help you when you feel that you will loose everything.
Those that are really in need of guidance in Islam, my family is willing to spend our weekends to guide those who are out there (especially those that have just convert or who planned to convert). Those that are interested may leave their comment along with their contact.
So we decided to bring her to JAWI, we left at about 10.30am from home. By the time we were there it was already 11am. So as usual the procedure is to write your name in the guest book, photocopy of your ic, and two passport size photo for filing purposes and not forgetting two muslim witnesses above the age of 18 years old.
We all followed mama into the room, she had to fill up some forms and all. Next the Ustaz explained what Islam is all about, the 5 pillars of Islam which is:-
1. Recite the Syahadah (Ashadu-ala ila ha ilallah, Wa ash-hadu-ana-muhammadar-rasullulah) - I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Prophet Muhammad is his Messenger.
2. Solat - basically praying 5 times a day.
3. Fasting during the whole month of Ramadhan
4. Zakat - Fitrah & pendapatan. Fitrah is usually paid during the month of Ramadhan, and it's according to the state government. For e.g. this year's zakat Fitrah rate was RM7.
5. Haj (Pilgrimage) - This is only when you have the means to go. If you don't it's not compulsory.
Once everything was explained, Mama said her syahadah and the Ustaz recited a prayer. We were all so glad and happy for Mama. Next they had to take her picture to prepare her Muslim card (which is similar to IC, but more of a temporary card before you change your ic.) Than they gave her a gift, which basically consist of Sejadah (the prayer mat), Telekung (garment during prayer) & Fardhu Ain Books (basic books on Islam & the practice).
Currently, there's also another benefit that all new converts will get which is basically an amount of RM1500. This is given by the Pusat Zakat of KL, and it really helps especially for those who have loss their jobs, and those that are in need.
I do have to state that my purpose of stating the earlier paragraph is not to lure more people into Islam in a wrong way. But to inform those, who have thought of being a muslim, to understand that the muslim community is here to help you when you feel that you will loose everything.
Those that are really in need of guidance in Islam, my family is willing to spend our weekends to guide those who are out there (especially those that have just convert or who planned to convert). Those that are interested may leave their comment along with their contact.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Don't Take Your Love Ones for Granted
It's been a week plus since Papa (my father-in-law) died... it came to a shock to us when we found out.
Through out Raya, Papa has been really working hard, putting in extra hours (he works as a security guard @ HP Tower), coz most of the guards were muslims and they took they're Raya leaves, so there were shortage of manpower.
You see, Papa has a hereditary disease of High Blood Pressure, i found out later that Ah Yan (Adam's grandmother) had the same health condition too and she passed away in her sleep. Papa on the other hand was aware of his medical condition, but he chooses to not take any medication, coz his brother said that it could give him side effects. Sigh, mama and the doctor has been doing their duties by advising him every single day, but it just goes to deaf ears.
Anyway, the incident started, when we got a call from Koko informing Adam that Papa needs them to fetch him from work. We were just on our way home from the clinic, coz i was down with 'Shingles' at the same time. Adam called Papa... and he didn't sound to well... we decided to stop over at Koko's house to get him.
Once they dropped me off, they quickly rushed over to HP towers. at that point the only thing we know was that Papa wasn't feeling well, he was having chest pain and difficulty breathing.
While we were waiting for updates, Mama was busy preparing dinner, while I on the other hand was trying my hand on this dessert that i found in the Her World Cook Magazine... @ 7.30pm i decided to call Adam and ask for updates... all he could tell me was
Adam: Get here as quickly as you can.
Me: How's Papa doing?
Adam: I can't tell you now, just come here as quickly as you can.
So i had a quick shower, did our Maghrib prayers and quickly break our fast. Than i had to pump petrol and drove the car to the General Hospital... One thing i didn't like, was that the parking lot for visitors was far away from the Emergency Unit... we walked for almost 5 minutes, reaching the entrance of the Emergency Unit. Both brothers look calm... brought us to this sofa, and than that was when Koko broke the news to Mama (note that the whole conversation was in Tamil... and Kak Lina aka the sister-in-law and i were basically clueless with what's going on)... both brothers including Mama started crying. We both thought that Papa was still inside along with the doctors... and we were hoping that everything will be ok.
Farhana aka the niece, started crying too.... I called my mum to inform her where we were and what was happening. Kak Lina and i than decided to bring Farhana out and get her something to pacify her... everything seemed to be ok after that... but mama was looking really depressed...
Kak Lina and i than decided to head to the ladies... when we got back... i was hearing Adam talking on the phone telling the other end that his father was dead... I was clueless at one moment. Once the conversation ended... i questioned him:
Me: What do you mean Papa is dead?
Adam: Papa is gone darling...
Me: What!.... i thought you said the doctor was trying to resuscitate him... you didn't tell Me that Papa has gone (started tearing)...
Adam: I'm sorry da, Papa actually past away before you all arrive...
Me: (Was to shock) Why didn't you tell me, when i called you earlier... you could have told me...
Adam: I couldn't tell you... coz you would eventually tell Mama.. and i didn't want you to rush your way here....all i wanted was for you to be here, coz i needed you by my side.
I just couldn't stop tearing.... i than decided to call Sharmila, to tell her the bad news... she than said that she was on her way to GH...
Few minutes later, the medical personnel told us to go to the mortuary... Since Papa had his attacked during his working hours, his body had to go through Post Mortem, as the medical doctor couldn't figure out the cause of his death.
By the time we got back home it was already 1am plus... Adam's uncles and aunties from Ipoh were on their way by bus and we had to fetch them from Pudu bus stationed. By the time we slept it was already 3am plus in the morning and my right eyes were swollen really bad.
The next morning, Adam, koko and Uncle Uma went to GH to settle Papa's body, his funeral, coffin, canopy and everything that was needed. The canopy was set up infront of the house at 3pm while the body arrived at our home in the coffin at 4pm.
I than followed Roha anne, Viji Atte & Pushpa Aunty to fetch Tholasi (Adam's cousin) from YWCA... order the flower rift from the florist in front of Batu Caves and went to the nearest photo shop to enlarge Papa's photo.
The funeral was set on Friday at 2pm in this Bahai cemetery located in Mambao, Negeri Sembilan. Due to the fact that Papa wasn't practicing Islam, the funeral rights had to be done the Bahai way.
We left the house at 12pm... mom and Amanda came along, and we drove all the way there. It was really sad to see Papa's body being lowered down to his graved, but we just had to be patient all the way. Mama has been in a depressed mode ever since... and all we could tell her is just to be strong and where ever we go, we made sure that we brought her along. She don't even have the mood to cook anymore, coz she says it reminds her of Papa.
All we asked now, is for Allah s.w.t to have mercy on Papa and lessened his punishment in the grave. May Allah s.w.t give him the mercy to understand Islam while he is in the grave and insyallah we will be able to meet him again come Judgement Day and there's no doubt about that. Till than R.I.P Papa.... for we all love you very much....
(P.S: He died due to blood pressure, whereby one of the artery exploded and his lungs was full with blood... and this made him had difficulty breathing as there were lack of oxygen)
Through out Raya, Papa has been really working hard, putting in extra hours (he works as a security guard @ HP Tower), coz most of the guards were muslims and they took they're Raya leaves, so there were shortage of manpower.
You see, Papa has a hereditary disease of High Blood Pressure, i found out later that Ah Yan (Adam's grandmother) had the same health condition too and she passed away in her sleep. Papa on the other hand was aware of his medical condition, but he chooses to not take any medication, coz his brother said that it could give him side effects. Sigh, mama and the doctor has been doing their duties by advising him every single day, but it just goes to deaf ears.
Anyway, the incident started, when we got a call from Koko informing Adam that Papa needs them to fetch him from work. We were just on our way home from the clinic, coz i was down with 'Shingles' at the same time. Adam called Papa... and he didn't sound to well... we decided to stop over at Koko's house to get him.
Once they dropped me off, they quickly rushed over to HP towers. at that point the only thing we know was that Papa wasn't feeling well, he was having chest pain and difficulty breathing.
While we were waiting for updates, Mama was busy preparing dinner, while I on the other hand was trying my hand on this dessert that i found in the Her World Cook Magazine... @ 7.30pm i decided to call Adam and ask for updates... all he could tell me was
Adam: Get here as quickly as you can.
Me: How's Papa doing?
Adam: I can't tell you now, just come here as quickly as you can.
So i had a quick shower, did our Maghrib prayers and quickly break our fast. Than i had to pump petrol and drove the car to the General Hospital... One thing i didn't like, was that the parking lot for visitors was far away from the Emergency Unit... we walked for almost 5 minutes, reaching the entrance of the Emergency Unit. Both brothers look calm... brought us to this sofa, and than that was when Koko broke the news to Mama (note that the whole conversation was in Tamil... and Kak Lina aka the sister-in-law and i were basically clueless with what's going on)... both brothers including Mama started crying. We both thought that Papa was still inside along with the doctors... and we were hoping that everything will be ok.
Farhana aka the niece, started crying too.... I called my mum to inform her where we were and what was happening. Kak Lina and i than decided to bring Farhana out and get her something to pacify her... everything seemed to be ok after that... but mama was looking really depressed...
Kak Lina and i than decided to head to the ladies... when we got back... i was hearing Adam talking on the phone telling the other end that his father was dead... I was clueless at one moment. Once the conversation ended... i questioned him:
Me: What do you mean Papa is dead?
Adam: Papa is gone darling...
Me: What!.... i thought you said the doctor was trying to resuscitate him... you didn't tell Me that Papa has gone (started tearing)...
Adam: I'm sorry da, Papa actually past away before you all arrive...
Me: (Was to shock) Why didn't you tell me, when i called you earlier... you could have told me...
Adam: I couldn't tell you... coz you would eventually tell Mama.. and i didn't want you to rush your way here....all i wanted was for you to be here, coz i needed you by my side.
I just couldn't stop tearing.... i than decided to call Sharmila, to tell her the bad news... she than said that she was on her way to GH...
Few minutes later, the medical personnel told us to go to the mortuary... Since Papa had his attacked during his working hours, his body had to go through Post Mortem, as the medical doctor couldn't figure out the cause of his death.
By the time we got back home it was already 1am plus... Adam's uncles and aunties from Ipoh were on their way by bus and we had to fetch them from Pudu bus stationed. By the time we slept it was already 3am plus in the morning and my right eyes were swollen really bad.
The next morning, Adam, koko and Uncle Uma went to GH to settle Papa's body, his funeral, coffin, canopy and everything that was needed. The canopy was set up infront of the house at 3pm while the body arrived at our home in the coffin at 4pm.
I than followed Roha anne, Viji Atte & Pushpa Aunty to fetch Tholasi (Adam's cousin) from YWCA... order the flower rift from the florist in front of Batu Caves and went to the nearest photo shop to enlarge Papa's photo.
The funeral was set on Friday at 2pm in this Bahai cemetery located in Mambao, Negeri Sembilan. Due to the fact that Papa wasn't practicing Islam, the funeral rights had to be done the Bahai way.
We left the house at 12pm... mom and Amanda came along, and we drove all the way there. It was really sad to see Papa's body being lowered down to his graved, but we just had to be patient all the way. Mama has been in a depressed mode ever since... and all we could tell her is just to be strong and where ever we go, we made sure that we brought her along. She don't even have the mood to cook anymore, coz she says it reminds her of Papa.
All we asked now, is for Allah s.w.t to have mercy on Papa and lessened his punishment in the grave. May Allah s.w.t give him the mercy to understand Islam while he is in the grave and insyallah we will be able to meet him again come Judgement Day and there's no doubt about that. Till than R.I.P Papa.... for we all love you very much....
(P.S: He died due to blood pressure, whereby one of the artery exploded and his lungs was full with blood... and this made him had difficulty breathing as there were lack of oxygen)
Ramadhan & Fasting
As most of you all are aware, i've been embracing islam since December 2008, and things have changed this days.
The Ramadhan month is the month that all muslims anticipate, basically we fast from Subuh prayers, and we break fast once the azan for Maghrib is recited. It was tough for the first day, but than it later went on easily... though there are times where i felt hungry and thirsty, but i continued staying strong.
Through out this period, after we have finish our Isyak prayers... we will do Terawih prayers, basically people can go to the nearest mosque to their house and do the Terawih prayers in Jemaah (Congregation) or you have the option of doing it at home. Most of the time, Adam and i will do our Terawih prayers at home.
Anyway, since i quit my job in time for Ramadhan, i've been busy researching recipes for Raya cookies and cakes... i've also invested on a few cooking magazines and books.
Now, i'm able to bake Almond London Cookies, Peanut Butter & Jam Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Orange Cake & just yesterday i manage to bake a simple cheese cake.
Insyallah i'll be able to post up a blog on all the recipe's i tried along with some pictures.... never know i might create another new blog solely on selling my creations... hehehe... till than...
The Ramadhan month is the month that all muslims anticipate, basically we fast from Subuh prayers, and we break fast once the azan for Maghrib is recited. It was tough for the first day, but than it later went on easily... though there are times where i felt hungry and thirsty, but i continued staying strong.
Through out this period, after we have finish our Isyak prayers... we will do Terawih prayers, basically people can go to the nearest mosque to their house and do the Terawih prayers in Jemaah (Congregation) or you have the option of doing it at home. Most of the time, Adam and i will do our Terawih prayers at home.
Anyway, since i quit my job in time for Ramadhan, i've been busy researching recipes for Raya cookies and cakes... i've also invested on a few cooking magazines and books.
Now, i'm able to bake Almond London Cookies, Peanut Butter & Jam Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Orange Cake & just yesterday i manage to bake a simple cheese cake.
Insyallah i'll be able to post up a blog on all the recipe's i tried along with some pictures.... never know i might create another new blog solely on selling my creations... hehehe... till than...
Brief Update
Lots of things has been going on lately since the month of Ramadhan till this very day. From fasting, to baking cookies and cakes... on how i celebrated my Raya and lastly a lost of a loved one.
It's a mixture of feelings, and due to bad internet connection, i'm un-able to update anything in time. So all the upcoming post will be those that happen a month ago, so just bear with me alright... thanks
It's a mixture of feelings, and due to bad internet connection, i'm un-able to update anything in time. So all the upcoming post will be those that happen a month ago, so just bear with me alright... thanks
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Creme Caramel Pudding & Recipe... ^_^
Mama and i have been searching for a Creme Caramel Pudding recipe for quite sometime.. and we couldn't find the right one.. and guess what Star Metro had the recipe publish yesterday... so Mama and i tried it.

The ingredients are basically:-
(1) 12 Grade A eggs
(2) 500gm sweetened milk aka condense milk
(3) 3 tablespoons of Custard powder
(4) 500ml of Water
(5) 8 tablespoons of sugar
(6) 1 tablespoon of Vanilla essence
(1) Melt the sugar until it has syrup texture and pour it into a baking pan.
(2) Add Water to the custard powder before pouring in the sweetened milk and mix until even.
(3) Beat the eggs lightly in a bowl and add to the mixture.
(4) Add vanilla essence and mix well before pouring into the pan containing the sugar syrup.
(5) Place the pan in a steamer for about 20-30 minutes until it is done.
(6) Insert a cake tester into the pudding, if it comes out clean, the pudding is ready.
(7) Allow the pudding to chill before serving.
And this is the end product.... hehehe... have fun trying ^_^

~@lish@ Meliss@~
The ingredients are basically:-
(1) 12 Grade A eggs
(2) 500gm sweetened milk aka condense milk
(3) 3 tablespoons of Custard powder
(4) 500ml of Water
(5) 8 tablespoons of sugar
(6) 1 tablespoon of Vanilla essence
(1) Melt the sugar until it has syrup texture and pour it into a baking pan.
(2) Add Water to the custard powder before pouring in the sweetened milk and mix until even.
(3) Beat the eggs lightly in a bowl and add to the mixture.
(4) Add vanilla essence and mix well before pouring into the pan containing the sugar syrup.
(5) Place the pan in a steamer for about 20-30 minutes until it is done.
(6) Insert a cake tester into the pudding, if it comes out clean, the pudding is ready.
(7) Allow the pudding to chill before serving.
And this is the end product.... hehehe... have fun trying ^_^
~@lish@ Meliss@~
Orange Cake - including the Recipe ^_^
So after the dinner last Saturday, i manage to pass my attempted Chocolate pudding to my family and at the same time manage to get a copy of Popo's old recipe book which is more of a newer version since my Kuku aka Aunty, compiled and photocopy it.
Wat happen was, i brought the book back home and tried baking the Orange Cake last Monday and it turn out pretty well just that the bottom was pretty burn, due to the fact that the oven was still new, and mama and i wasn't sure whether we should really follow the book directly. We did, and that was the result.
Anyway, i tried it again today... and it turn out really well *clap for self*... hehehe... this time manage to take a picture of it.. I know it looks small that's b'coz i cut some for the family and some for Rafiq & his wife (Hubby's business Partner).

By the way, just in case some of you would like to try out the recipe.. this is how it is:-
(1) 4 ozs./125gm butter
(2) 4 ozs./125gm sugar
(3) 3 eggs.
(4) Grated rind of 1/2 orange (the orange skin)
(5) 6 ozs./168gm of Self Raising Flour or Ordinary Flour Sifted with 1 1/2 teaspoons of Baking Powder,
(6) Juice of 1/2 orange
(1) Cream Butter and Sugar.
(2) Add egg yolks, one at a time, and beat well. Add grated rind.
(3) Add egg whites which have been beaten to a stiff froth. (make sure the bowl is free of oil)
(4) Add flour, folding it in, and when smooth,
(5) Add orange juice.
(6)Pour batter into two sandwhich tins, which have been greased and lined (but i just put it into one tin)
(7) Baked for about 1/2 hour in moderate oven (based on recipe book moderate means 175 degrees) - (but for me was just 140 degrees, b'coz my oven had the iron rod, both up and down).
(8) When done, remove cake from oven and cool on cake rack.
For Topping (as suggested by the recipe book)
Butter Icing and sprinkle over it coloured sugar drops, choped walnuts or grated chocolate.
So do give it a try... never know there's an aspiring Chef some where within u... ^_^
~@lish@ Meliss@~
Wat happen was, i brought the book back home and tried baking the Orange Cake last Monday and it turn out pretty well just that the bottom was pretty burn, due to the fact that the oven was still new, and mama and i wasn't sure whether we should really follow the book directly. We did, and that was the result.
Anyway, i tried it again today... and it turn out really well *clap for self*... hehehe... this time manage to take a picture of it.. I know it looks small that's b'coz i cut some for the family and some for Rafiq & his wife (Hubby's business Partner).
By the way, just in case some of you would like to try out the recipe.. this is how it is:-
(1) 4 ozs./125gm butter
(2) 4 ozs./125gm sugar
(3) 3 eggs.
(4) Grated rind of 1/2 orange (the orange skin)
(5) 6 ozs./168gm of Self Raising Flour or Ordinary Flour Sifted with 1 1/2 teaspoons of Baking Powder,
(6) Juice of 1/2 orange
(1) Cream Butter and Sugar.
(2) Add egg yolks, one at a time, and beat well. Add grated rind.
(3) Add egg whites which have been beaten to a stiff froth. (make sure the bowl is free of oil)
(4) Add flour, folding it in, and when smooth,
(5) Add orange juice.
(6)Pour batter into two sandwhich tins, which have been greased and lined (but i just put it into one tin)
(7) Baked for about 1/2 hour in moderate oven (based on recipe book moderate means 175 degrees) - (but for me was just 140 degrees, b'coz my oven had the iron rod, both up and down).
(8) When done, remove cake from oven and cool on cake rack.
For Topping (as suggested by the recipe book)
Butter Icing and sprinkle over it coloured sugar drops, choped walnuts or grated chocolate.
So do give it a try... never know there's an aspiring Chef some where within u... ^_^
~@lish@ Meliss@~
Amanda, Mummy & Adrian's Birthday
Last Saturday, we celebrated 3 family member's birthday, mum's, amanda's and Adrian. Amanda was on the 23rd, Mum was on the 27th & Adrian was on the 30th. So to save money, we all decided to just celebrate it all in 1 day.
Mum, suggested this place called Basil, in Bangsar Village (old wing)..It serves Thai cuisine and it's hidden on the other side of the mall. We were all there by 8.30pm, coz Adrian had his tution till 8.15pm.
So, once we were there, we all ordered our own dish.. due to the fact that Adam and i had our dinner earlier for Buka Puasa... we ordered one plate of Spicy Seafood Spaghetti with Basil and share it together.

Mum, sis and dad ordered the Pineapple Chicken Rice... Dad even ordered this Fried Mince Chicken in Crab Shell... which was pretty yummy. Popo aka grandma... ordered the Beef Noodle... and the lil brother ordered Beef with Spring Onions and Rice.

Out Appetizer was this plate that look like those Beetle Leave's but this is the Thai version... and it taste really good...

For dessert, the lil brother and i had this Steam Banana with Santan, while both mum and Dad ordered the Water Chestnut and Jackfruit with shredded ice and syrup.

Conclusion, everything tasted really good in this restaurant... the ambiance and the furniture make the place really cozy.. not too crowded, nice for a family affair.
Till than,
~@lish@ Meliss@~
Mum, suggested this place called Basil, in Bangsar Village (old wing)..It serves Thai cuisine and it's hidden on the other side of the mall. We were all there by 8.30pm, coz Adrian had his tution till 8.15pm.
So, once we were there, we all ordered our own dish.. due to the fact that Adam and i had our dinner earlier for Buka Puasa... we ordered one plate of Spicy Seafood Spaghetti with Basil and share it together.
Mum, sis and dad ordered the Pineapple Chicken Rice... Dad even ordered this Fried Mince Chicken in Crab Shell... which was pretty yummy. Popo aka grandma... ordered the Beef Noodle... and the lil brother ordered Beef with Spring Onions and Rice.
Out Appetizer was this plate that look like those Beetle Leave's but this is the Thai version... and it taste really good...
For dessert, the lil brother and i had this Steam Banana with Santan, while both mum and Dad ordered the Water Chestnut and Jackfruit with shredded ice and syrup.
Conclusion, everything tasted really good in this restaurant... the ambiance and the furniture make the place really cozy.. not too crowded, nice for a family affair.
Till than,
~@lish@ Meliss@~
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Attempt to Make Chocolate Pudding
Last Thursday, Mama and i attempted to follow the Chocolate Pudding recipe from Rasa Magazine, July Issue....
We went over to Giant Hypermarket to get some ingredients that we didn't have at home at that time. So we purchased more jelly mock cup's, koko powder, agar-agar powder and margarine.
So we came back and started mixing the mixture according to the recipy. In the end the mixture was too watery and we were wondering whether what we did was right. By the way it didn't mentioned in the magazine that the mixture was supposed to be boiled.
Me, being blur, just put the concoction into the mock cup's and in the fridge it goes... waited for few hours.. and it's still not happening. Coincidentally, that night Mama's old neighbour came by to visit us.. the aunty straight away say that i have to boil the concoction, once i notice a bubble i need to switch of the stove immediately.
So i did as she said... pour the mixture back into the mock cups... and within a few hours... the chocolate pudding turn out well... but just one thing it was tooooo..... ssswwweeeettttt....
Better luck next time ^_^
~@lish@ meliss@~
So we came back and started mixing the mixture according to the recipy. In the end the mixture was too watery and we were wondering whether what we did was right. By the way it didn't mentioned in the magazine that the mixture was supposed to be boiled.
Me, being blur, just put the concoction into the mock cup's and in the fridge it goes... waited for few hours.. and it's still not happening. Coincidentally, that night Mama's old neighbour came by to visit us.. the aunty straight away say that i have to boil the concoction, once i notice a bubble i need to switch of the stove immediately.
So i did as she said... pour the mixture back into the mock cups... and within a few hours... the chocolate pudding turn out well... but just one thing it was tooooo..... ssswwweeeettttt....
Better luck next time ^_^
~@lish@ meliss@~
Monday, August 24, 2009
Fasting for the 1st time in Ramadhan
It's Ramadhan, and what more to expect.. there's fasting.. there's Ramadhan bazaar with delicious food and drinks... and Raya is just around the corner.
Well basically it's not my first time fasting, when i was a Christian... i used to fast too... but not in a manner like the muslims do. For christians, we fast during Lent, that was when Jesus fasted for 40 days, and throughout his fasting Satan tried to tempt him with 3 things. The Christians could actually fast in many ways... but i'll just refer it to myself.. ok.
So yes, back to when i was a Christian... when i fast i normally take Breakfast, skip lunch, and than i'll have my dinner. But there are also times, when i couldn't manage to skip my lunch.. i decide to be a vegetarian...
What ever it is, i'm a muslim now... this is my first Ramadhan together with my hubby and my in-laws. It's been 3 days, and i'm surprised that i'm able to take Sahur so early in the morning. You see, i have this problem... i can't eat too early in the morning... it's similar to morning sickness.. but no... i'm not pregnant. Close friends and family of mine would know what i'm talking about.
Anyways, the first day of sahur.. i ate oats, coz i remembered when Kak Murni told me that it's best to have oats for Sahur... coz you won't feel to hungry during the day. Second day of Sahur... i ate Nestum and Bread deep in Fish Curry.... Today (which is the 3rd day)... i had Bread with Sardine and a bowl of Frosties Chocolate cereal with Milk.... yum.. yum...
Well there are times when the hunger comes... but i just have to ignore it and be patient and wait for time to break fast. Tonight, Mama is gonna cook Bawal Fish with sweet sour sauce, Sting Ray with Asam gravy and etc. And i'm gonna make dessert that i learned from Kak Lina (the sister-in-law)... which is basically a concoction of ideal milk, mix can fruit, nata de coco, jelly puddings (the ones they give out during kids birthday parties)... and sugar water. Mix it all up and add water and ice....
Can't wait to do that later... the hubby is bugging for me to do that... now that i'm free.. gonna borrow some cooking magz from the sister-in-law and try it out myself... hehe... till than...
~@lisha meliss@~
Well basically it's not my first time fasting, when i was a Christian... i used to fast too... but not in a manner like the muslims do. For christians, we fast during Lent, that was when Jesus fasted for 40 days, and throughout his fasting Satan tried to tempt him with 3 things. The Christians could actually fast in many ways... but i'll just refer it to myself.. ok.
So yes, back to when i was a Christian... when i fast i normally take Breakfast, skip lunch, and than i'll have my dinner. But there are also times, when i couldn't manage to skip my lunch.. i decide to be a vegetarian...
What ever it is, i'm a muslim now... this is my first Ramadhan together with my hubby and my in-laws. It's been 3 days, and i'm surprised that i'm able to take Sahur so early in the morning. You see, i have this problem... i can't eat too early in the morning... it's similar to morning sickness.. but no... i'm not pregnant. Close friends and family of mine would know what i'm talking about.
Anyways, the first day of sahur.. i ate oats, coz i remembered when Kak Murni told me that it's best to have oats for Sahur... coz you won't feel to hungry during the day. Second day of Sahur... i ate Nestum and Bread deep in Fish Curry.... Today (which is the 3rd day)... i had Bread with Sardine and a bowl of Frosties Chocolate cereal with Milk.... yum.. yum...
Well there are times when the hunger comes... but i just have to ignore it and be patient and wait for time to break fast. Tonight, Mama is gonna cook Bawal Fish with sweet sour sauce, Sting Ray with Asam gravy and etc. And i'm gonna make dessert that i learned from Kak Lina (the sister-in-law)... which is basically a concoction of ideal milk, mix can fruit, nata de coco, jelly puddings (the ones they give out during kids birthday parties)... and sugar water. Mix it all up and add water and ice....
Can't wait to do that later... the hubby is bugging for me to do that... now that i'm free.. gonna borrow some cooking magz from the sister-in-law and try it out myself... hehe... till than...
~@lisha meliss@~
Addicted to Facebook Games!!
Since last week,after the Hotlink ad... i've been occupying myself with the little niece, the hubby, family, emails, twitter, Facebook, you name it....
And i've just realise that i've been over addicted with the games in Facebook... first with 'Fish to Fish'... than came 'Farmville'... and next was 'Fashion Wars'.... sigh it even came to a stage where when the hubby is around i totally ignore him and contiue playing my game... hahaha.
Anyway's the hubby is threatening me, by deleting my account... he has his ways... coz his a computer tech guy. So girls out there, if your dating with a guy whose so good with computers, you better be extra careful... coz he can hacked his way through your private info... hahaha.. just kidding.
~@lisha meliss@~
And i've just realise that i've been over addicted with the games in Facebook... first with 'Fish to Fish'... than came 'Farmville'... and next was 'Fashion Wars'.... sigh it even came to a stage where when the hubby is around i totally ignore him and contiue playing my game... hahaha.
Anyway's the hubby is threatening me, by deleting my account... he has his ways... coz his a computer tech guy. So girls out there, if your dating with a guy whose so good with computers, you better be extra careful... coz he can hacked his way through your private info... hahaha.. just kidding.
~@lisha meliss@~
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Attending Shoots with Talents
Yesterday was a really close call, I didn't know that the number i had to contact my talents were wrong. Alhamdulillah, i manage to get it from Clare... made the call... and breath a sigh of relief. Allah is always there to help his followers.... and i can't take Allah enough.
Anyway, got back from work (shoot) on Monday night... had only 3 hours of sleep and had to wake up at 5.30am to get ready to head for another shoot. Thank Allah it was early in the morning at least the traffic won't be so bad... got over to the location and guess whatlah... it was so dark... i can't even find the house number... called Amar... asked the security guard and decided to just wait in the car. Once the sun came up... decided to get out of the car and saw some familiar faces.
Set up was done by 8am... and the shoot started... the kids were doing great... and i can't thank them enough for trying their best. They even got this cute pair of Parakeet from the producer, in order to buy their hearts.... hahaha... All and all it was an exhausting day.. the kids gave their best... and it should be on TV soon....
P.S: The kids was from our casting agency.... yeay... nailing our 2nd big advert....
Anyway, got back from work (shoot) on Monday night... had only 3 hours of sleep and had to wake up at 5.30am to get ready to head for another shoot. Thank Allah it was early in the morning at least the traffic won't be so bad... got over to the location and guess whatlah... it was so dark... i can't even find the house number... called Amar... asked the security guard and decided to just wait in the car. Once the sun came up... decided to get out of the car and saw some familiar faces.
Set up was done by 8am... and the shoot started... the kids were doing great... and i can't thank them enough for trying their best. They even got this cute pair of Parakeet from the producer, in order to buy their hearts.... hahaha... All and all it was an exhausting day.. the kids gave their best... and it should be on TV soon....
P.S: The kids was from our casting agency.... yeay... nailing our 2nd big advert....
~@lhamdullillah to Allah s.w.t for all the blessings~
Last Sunday's Plans
As i've mentioned before last Sunday was suppose to be an off day, but ended up with jam pack of plans.
Was able to have extra sleep, coz i've been waking up quite early lately... woke up at about 10 something, got ready and than headed to mamak for breakfast. Next stop was the morning market... Due to the small debate we had in the car... I wasn't filling to well.. coz my head was dizzy... so anyway's accompanied the mother in law to the market. Once done, waited for the hubby to come, coz we didn't have any cash in he had to go to the nearest bank.
Once came, got the money... and went to the other side of the market, which was where they were selling clothes and accessories including tudung. So mama and i went to look for tudung that will match with our baju kurung, but to no avail... there were no matching colors. But i did manage to get 2 different tudungs... with 2 different materials... all for a good bargain. Both also no need to that makes my life a little easier. I even manage to get this grey cardigan for a good bargain.... coz the ones selling in the boutiques are like 2 times more.
Anyway's after market...we decided to head back home, freshen up, solat and get ready for lunch. We headed to Tesco, coz the hubby wants to eat Claypot Chicken Rice... After that a little grocery shopping... but the queu was really long. Even the Fast Lane... was long... sigh... by the time we left it was already 5pm.
Next stop was my parents home, this time brought the mother in law along. It was her first time there, and also her first time meeting popo. Once, Adam was done with the computer, we left for home at 6pm. Coz mama had to cook and we had to go back to get ready for the dinner... imagine... a whole jam packed day without rest.... aaaarrrrggghhhh.... insyallah this weekend i get to rest to... sigh....
Was able to have extra sleep, coz i've been waking up quite early lately... woke up at about 10 something, got ready and than headed to mamak for breakfast. Next stop was the morning market... Due to the small debate we had in the car... I wasn't filling to well.. coz my head was dizzy... so anyway's accompanied the mother in law to the market. Once done, waited for the hubby to come, coz we didn't have any cash in he had to go to the nearest bank.
Once came, got the money... and went to the other side of the market, which was where they were selling clothes and accessories including tudung. So mama and i went to look for tudung that will match with our baju kurung, but to no avail... there were no matching colors. But i did manage to get 2 different tudungs... with 2 different materials... all for a good bargain. Both also no need to that makes my life a little easier. I even manage to get this grey cardigan for a good bargain.... coz the ones selling in the boutiques are like 2 times more.
Anyway's after market...we decided to head back home, freshen up, solat and get ready for lunch. We headed to Tesco, coz the hubby wants to eat Claypot Chicken Rice... After that a little grocery shopping... but the queu was really long. Even the Fast Lane... was long... sigh... by the time we left it was already 5pm.
Next stop was my parents home, this time brought the mother in law along. It was her first time there, and also her first time meeting popo. Once, Adam was done with the computer, we left for home at 6pm. Coz mama had to cook and we had to go back to get ready for the dinner... imagine... a whole jam packed day without rest.... aaaarrrrggghhhh.... insyallah this weekend i get to rest to... sigh....
Monday, August 3, 2009
Last Minute Reunion in Kenny Rogers - Mid Valley Megamall
Clare and i decided not to do any casting last Sunday, since nobody was going to be around, as everybody will be out for shoots.
So got a call from Nicole on Saturday night, the girl just came back from UK for her holidays and it has been weeks since she's been here... but she didn't even call to inform also. Rupa-rupanya she kept calling my old number.... sigh so got a call from her... and she said that both Beulah and her made last minute arrangements to have a dinner on Sunday night at Midvalley.
I agreed... Sunday was suppose to be a rest day but ended up having jam pack of schedule, that i will blog later.
Anyways, Adam and i was late... coz we had other things to do. When we were there, i spotted the table they were sitting. Karthika's back was facing me, so i thought of giving her a surprise. It's been years since i last saw her... remember it was suppose to be a surprise, but guess what me and my clumsy self, started kicking the chairs first... but somehow manage to scare Karthika off.... hahaha...
But, somehow they kenakan me balik, Beulah and her stories, about Karthika having a 1 year plus kid in Indonesia.... i didn't believe it first... but however terkena also... hahaha... so the score is 1-1.
Ordered our food and drinks, and we were updating each other with each other's life. And due to the fact that none out of the 3 manage to attend my wedding, they started interviewing Adam and i... about it. Next question was babies.... well i'm planning lah ok... don't ask me anymore.... :P
Anyways, after finish makan it was photo session... coz most of us have to work the next day.. we ended the meet up quite early. Conclusion is i was happy to meet all off them after almost a year... but quite sad that it had to end early. Just wish we had more times on our side, insyallah will get to hang out again,.... before Nicole and Karthika flies off....^_^
~@lisha@ Meliss@~
So got a call from Nicole on Saturday night, the girl just came back from UK for her holidays and it has been weeks since she's been here... but she didn't even call to inform also. Rupa-rupanya she kept calling my old number.... sigh so got a call from her... and she said that both Beulah and her made last minute arrangements to have a dinner on Sunday night at Midvalley.
I agreed... Sunday was suppose to be a rest day but ended up having jam pack of schedule, that i will blog later.
Anyways, Adam and i was late... coz we had other things to do. When we were there, i spotted the table they were sitting. Karthika's back was facing me, so i thought of giving her a surprise. It's been years since i last saw her... remember it was suppose to be a surprise, but guess what me and my clumsy self, started kicking the chairs first... but somehow manage to scare Karthika off.... hahaha...
But, somehow they kenakan me balik, Beulah and her stories, about Karthika having a 1 year plus kid in Indonesia.... i didn't believe it first... but however terkena also... hahaha... so the score is 1-1.
Ordered our food and drinks, and we were updating each other with each other's life. And due to the fact that none out of the 3 manage to attend my wedding, they started interviewing Adam and i... about it. Next question was babies.... well i'm planning lah ok... don't ask me anymore.... :P
Anyways, after finish makan it was photo session... coz most of us have to work the next day.. we ended the meet up quite early. Conclusion is i was happy to meet all off them after almost a year... but quite sad that it had to end early. Just wish we had more times on our side, insyallah will get to hang out again,.... before Nicole and Karthika flies off....^_^
~@lisha@ Meliss@~
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Phase in My Life
I took up Mass Comm.... when i was in college.... never thought that some day i will have the chance to work in this industry...
Last Friday, my life started buzzing again... with working life... as i've been bumming for almost few months after getting married, and it's good to be back working and learning something new. Anyway, as most close friends would know... my close friend Clare and i have started up this casting agency... loads of opportunity's have been knocking our door and i can't thank Allah enough for blessing us with such chances.
We were able to have our very own talents for a few adverts, and one of it is already out on air. I can say that both of us are pretty proud with ourselves for being able to have our very own talents on the ad itself.
Now, our life is getting even more busier everyday.... Clare has been going out with our sidekick Azman... to look for talents... and it's not an easy job.. you really need to have the people skill in this... which i am currently lacking off... hmmmm. While i am stuck in the production house... doing casting... We have quite huge projects in our hands right now... and we really hope to get our talents in this time also....
Things has been turning up quite good, getting good comments from directors are basically good testimonial to us.... so insyallah will have more chance... and insyallah will be bless with more 'rezeki'....
~@lisha Meliss@~
Makan-makan @ Penang Express, Selayang Mall
Last Saturday, hubby's Aikido class was cancelled.... while i had to work till 8pm and only got back home by 8.30pm. Mama wasn't around, so we decided to head for dinner somewhere outside. I didn't feel like eating any heavy.... so we were thinking and thinking where to eat, and later decided to try out Penang Express, since koko (the brother in law) said... that they're food is really nice.
Anyway, we headed there... as usual it's very hard to find parking outside, so we had to park inside Selayang Mall itself. Once we were there, the hubby ordered Char Kuey Teow... and i ended up ordering this Fried Rice Sweet Sour Chicken... and additional 'Chicken Lobak'. As for the drinks... the hubby ordered Filtered water while i decided to order one of Penang's well known drink the 'Ambula Juice with Asam Boi'.....
I miss the way 'Ambula' juice tasted... enjoyed our meals.... and by the time we left it was almost 10:30pm.... the shops were all closed so didn't manage to shop.... sigh.... and that is how the day ended....
~@lisha Meliss@~
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Adele's Farewell @ Paddington House of Pancake
As per the title, it's obvious enough that this post is about Adele's Farewell. She was due to leave on Friday, and Clare and i both manage to catch up with her for makan and also a movie.
So we were suppose to meet up earlier to check out a movie at 11.15 am.... but ended up all of us came late, so we decided to catch 'Obsessed' starring Beyonce Knowles and Ali Larter at 1.40pm show. I bought the tickets, and we later met up at Paddington House of Pancake.


It was basically my 2nd time being in this restaurant, and basically i was clueless with what to order for our 'branch'.... somehow manage to order this pancake which was filled with mince meat, mix with some spaghetti sauce and green pepper. Plus there was mashed potato and tomatoes with salad.




It was basically my 2nd time being in this restaurant, and basically i was clueless with what to order for our 'branch'.... somehow manage to order this pancake which was filled with mince meat, mix with some spaghetti sauce and green pepper. Plus there was mashed potato and tomatoes with salad.


The portion may look small, but it's pretty filling for a small eater like me. Would recommend this for people who don't mind having filling similar to a spaghetti sauce in a wrap pancake.
After 'branch', we decided to do some window shopping around Curve... went over to Nichii to see whether there were anything nice to get, all 3 decided to tried out come clothes just for fun. But somehow Clare ended up with one nice shirt top, while Adele and i ended up empty handed.... hehehe...
Next, we headed straight to Cineleisure to check out the movie, before heading straight to the theatre room, we bought some tid bits and i decided to get a popcorn. Once we were in the cinema, guess what.... the whole cinema was only occupied with us 3 and two other couples.... (wow.... that's my 1st)
Anyway, the movie is great.... one movie line that i have not watched before... basically about a crazy women going after this married man.... and bla, bla... bla.... The movie made me appreciate my marriage life more in some certain aspects. We will never know that maybe one day we might be involve into something that is similar to that movie storyline. But insyallah, i will not have to face such crisis.


Once the movie was done, we headed to Starbucks to get some drinks as Clare and i had to have some serious discussion.... once that was done, we headed back home.
Anyway, I pray that Adele will have the strength and the faith to stay strong while she's in Perth. Enjoy and expose yourself to as many things and places as you can while your still there. Study smart and play hard.... and most importantly, do remember that you have family and friends that are continuing loving and caring for you.... though your so far away.


'May God Be With You Always'
~@lish@ Meliss@~
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wedding Album - Collected!!!!
YEAH!!!! at last after a whole more than a month of waiting, i can now have my bridal photo album pictures and the additional CD along - in which i have to pay extra by the way..
Anyway, love the pictures and the things they did with the album, not forgetting a huge blown up photo of me and the hubby, and it looks so lovely. The only problem now, is where are we gonna hang it.... hmmm.
So gonna post up the photos soon insyallah.... but the hubby has to give the green light first.. coz certain shots are only meant for WOMEN to see and not other men and due to the fact that my blog is public, anyone can access it easily....hmmmm ok i guess that's all for now. Stay tune alright.....
~@lisha meliss@~
Anyway, love the pictures and the things they did with the album, not forgetting a huge blown up photo of me and the hubby, and it looks so lovely. The only problem now, is where are we gonna hang it.... hmmm.
So gonna post up the photos soon insyallah.... but the hubby has to give the green light first.. coz certain shots are only meant for WOMEN to see and not other men and due to the fact that my blog is public, anyone can access it easily....hmmmm ok i guess that's all for now. Stay tune alright.....
~@lisha meliss@~
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Congratulations Darling for getting 3rd Que
This is actually kinda late coming from me, last 2 Sundays ago, i followed hubby for his Aikido grading, which was held in Bangi instead of their original training place which is in Darul Ehsan Club (KDE).
I wish i brought my SLR that day, but i didn't.... and currently waiting to get a cable for my new handphone, so that i could transfer out my pictures.
Anyway, back to the story. We were there sharp 11am, hubby when to register himself and started to dress up. While he was warming up, i was busy warming up with Anwar's 2 year old daughter.... hehehe.
So there was a short briefing.... that it was time for the test. They started calling people according to which Que (grades) that your gonna do. So when it come to 4th Que... hubby was called with 3 other students. Hubby chose Anwar to be his 'ukay' (attacker)... first of all, i do have to explain that even though Aikido maybe a form of Martial art from Japan, but it is more of a self defense, as they normally use their hands instead of their legs.
Anyway, seeing the hubby performing, i felt that he didn't give his best.... but anyway's at least he tried.
After eyeryone had been graded, than the Sensei decided to inform... that they've notice a bunch of people who performed quite well and this people have already pass the Que's that they took earlier. Now the thing is, this bunch of people actually have the priviliged to take up their next Que. For e.g if you were originally graded for the 6th Que... you can now grade yourself for 5th Que.
So the hubby was one of those that were selected, this means he is able to be graded for 3rd Que.... conclusion is he did well.... and most of them who were selected to further their grading... passed the examination.
There were photo session and giving of certs to each students... and i so wish i had my SLR but i didn't... and it sucks coz the phone wasn't able to capture a good picture... sigh... anyways:-
I wish i brought my SLR that day, but i didn't.... and currently waiting to get a cable for my new handphone, so that i could transfer out my pictures.
Anyway, back to the story. We were there sharp 11am, hubby when to register himself and started to dress up. While he was warming up, i was busy warming up with Anwar's 2 year old daughter.... hehehe.
So there was a short briefing.... that it was time for the test. They started calling people according to which Que (grades) that your gonna do. So when it come to 4th Que... hubby was called with 3 other students. Hubby chose Anwar to be his 'ukay' (attacker)... first of all, i do have to explain that even though Aikido maybe a form of Martial art from Japan, but it is more of a self defense, as they normally use their hands instead of their legs.
Anyway, seeing the hubby performing, i felt that he didn't give his best.... but anyway's at least he tried.
After eyeryone had been graded, than the Sensei decided to inform... that they've notice a bunch of people who performed quite well and this people have already pass the Que's that they took earlier. Now the thing is, this bunch of people actually have the priviliged to take up their next Que. For e.g if you were originally graded for the 6th Que... you can now grade yourself for 5th Que.
So the hubby was one of those that were selected, this means he is able to be graded for 3rd Que.... conclusion is he did well.... and most of them who were selected to further their grading... passed the examination.
There were photo session and giving of certs to each students... and i so wish i had my SLR but i didn't... and it sucks coz the phone wasn't able to capture a good picture... sigh... anyways:-
'Congratulations Darling!!!!'
Monday, July 6, 2009
KLUE Urbanscapes 2009 (Full Edition)
Alright.... enough of waiting.... i'm just gonna throw everything out now....

Anyway the sis picked me up at about 1 something... and by the time we got to KLPAC it was already 2pm. Cars were everywhere... so we had to find a slot somewhere, and had to walk about less than 5 minutes to the booth to get our wrist bands.

Once the wrist bands are on... we headed straight to the Market place... there were loads of vendors, loads of things were sold on that day... but i was really trying my best to not spend my money. The lil sis bought this cute handphone hanger (didn't get a picture of it).... anyway after scouting around we decided to start looking around for Kak Murni (Mimpi Murni).


So we manage to find her booth.... and guess what this time... she has her own handmade lip balm... there were two flavors if i can remember it correctly

Anyway the lil sis and i got the 2nd flavor coz it smells so yummy..... i got the stick version which was only (RM10) while the lil sis got the small jar (RM5)....
Later... we just decided to hang around.... and drop over to the KLUE official booth to get the official KLUE Urbanscapes t-shirt... but some how the 'S' size was out of stock... and the 'M' size was just to baggy for us.... so we didn't get any. Than we head to Tongue N Chic booth... and they were giving out bags for free.... but you have to take picture with a Mooks banner first... so once we did that, lil sis and i got the bags for free....



Next, we headed to the Bubble Tea booth.... it was a really long queue.. and pretty expensive too RM4 (when you can get the same thing in Petaling Street for RM3 only).... while waiting, there were this bunch of actors which was doing a life act...

Later we went into KLPAC building itself, they had arts exhibition, they were giving out loads of postcards from kakiseni... than we thought of heading to the X lawn Stage... but the life acts was only gonna start at 4:00pm.
After that we just decided to walk around grab some bites and decided to go around the Market place again. This time lil sis manage to get two t-shirts for RM35, while i didn't get any, coz there was nothing that caught my eye.

Next, we decided to seat somewhere, so i can enjoy my kebab... and once we heard the music buzzing, we headed straight to the X Lawn... Pop Shuvit was performing... their oncore was 'Mara Bahaya'.... than came Yuna... never heard her songs before... but somehow began to love it... she even mentioned that she brought her EP Album along incase anyone would want to get their hands on it, & lil sis and i bought it with her autograph on it as well.

All and all, i feel it wasn't exciting as last year... coz i didn't manage to do any shopping.... but it was a good first hand experience for the lil sis, as it was her first time there. Shall wait for next year.... and see what to expect... anyway more pictures as promise.









Till than...... Assallamualaikum.....
(Credits to M. Farhan Ahmad - For Kak Murni's pictures)
Anyway the sis picked me up at about 1 something... and by the time we got to KLPAC it was already 2pm. Cars were everywhere... so we had to find a slot somewhere, and had to walk about less than 5 minutes to the booth to get our wrist bands.
Once the wrist bands are on... we headed straight to the Market place... there were loads of vendors, loads of things were sold on that day... but i was really trying my best to not spend my money. The lil sis bought this cute handphone hanger (didn't get a picture of it).... anyway after scouting around we decided to start looking around for Kak Murni (Mimpi Murni).


So we manage to find her booth.... and guess what this time... she has her own handmade lip balm... there were two flavors if i can remember it correctly
1) Cucumber Lemon
2) Manggo Peach
2) Manggo Peach

Anyway the lil sis and i got the 2nd flavor coz it smells so yummy..... i got the stick version which was only (RM10) while the lil sis got the small jar (RM5)....
Later... we just decided to hang around.... and drop over to the KLUE official booth to get the official KLUE Urbanscapes t-shirt... but some how the 'S' size was out of stock... and the 'M' size was just to baggy for us.... so we didn't get any. Than we head to Tongue N Chic booth... and they were giving out bags for free.... but you have to take picture with a Mooks banner first... so once we did that, lil sis and i got the bags for free....
Next, we headed to the Bubble Tea booth.... it was a really long queue.. and pretty expensive too RM4 (when you can get the same thing in Petaling Street for RM3 only).... while waiting, there were this bunch of actors which was doing a life act...
Later we went into KLPAC building itself, they had arts exhibition, they were giving out loads of postcards from kakiseni... than we thought of heading to the X lawn Stage... but the life acts was only gonna start at 4:00pm.
After that we just decided to walk around grab some bites and decided to go around the Market place again. This time lil sis manage to get two t-shirts for RM35, while i didn't get any, coz there was nothing that caught my eye.
Next, we decided to seat somewhere, so i can enjoy my kebab... and once we heard the music buzzing, we headed straight to the X Lawn... Pop Shuvit was performing... their oncore was 'Mara Bahaya'.... than came Yuna... never heard her songs before... but somehow began to love it... she even mentioned that she brought her EP Album along incase anyone would want to get their hands on it, & lil sis and i bought it with her autograph on it as well.
All and all, i feel it wasn't exciting as last year... coz i didn't manage to do any shopping.... but it was a good first hand experience for the lil sis, as it was her first time there. Shall wait for next year.... and see what to expect... anyway more pictures as promise.

Till than...... Assallamualaikum.....
(Credits to M. Farhan Ahmad - For Kak Murni's pictures)
The new 'baby'
As ironic as it is with the title.... i'm so glad that the one month of waiting has ended. The 'baby' is here... and the hubby is pretty protective... i wonder how it will be when the real baby comes... hahaha...

Anyway, i'm glad the car is here adi.... was able to do the tinting yesterday, now my only worry is to get used with the car... till than....

Anyway, i'm glad the car is here adi.... was able to do the tinting yesterday, now my only worry is to get used with the car... till than....
Monday, June 29, 2009
KLUE Urbanscapes 2009
As mentioned in my earlier blog.... my sister and i bought the tickets to the event... we went and spent almost 4 hours there.... Lots of vendors in the bazaar section... lots of F&B booth and not forgetting live performances from local artist, sketch, arts, photos, sun, sweat and yes local celebrities too.... Was able to get a free bag from Tongue & Chic Booth... bump into Kak Murni from Mimpi Murni (coz she was one of the vendors too)... bought something from her.... and lots more.... won't be elaborating much on this post.... pictures with the lil sis... once i get the pictures... it will be a pretty long post.... hahaha.... till than take care....
~@lisha Meliss@~
~@lisha Meliss@~
2 Inspirational stars... An Angel & the King of Pop
The news has been going around since their death.... E-news has been covering on it and showing their THS (True Hollywood Story). Channel V, MTV & Radio stations around has been airing his songs as a tribute... and guess what even Pop Shuvit tried to sing 'Smooth Criminal' as a tribute to the King of Pop during their performance at Urbanscapes 2009.
Farrah Fawcett, one of the angels in Charlie's Angels past away due to anal cancer on 26th of June (Malaysian time).... though i do not know her that well... but i'm sure she has left a certain mark on people's life, especially those who used to catch the series on TV.

May she R.I.P and condolence to her family members.....
(Ref: Wikipedia & JustJared)
Farrah Fawcett, one of the angels in Charlie's Angels past away due to anal cancer on 26th of June (Malaysian time).... though i do not know her that well... but i'm sure she has left a certain mark on people's life, especially those who used to catch the series on TV.

May she R.I.P and condolence to her family members.....
Next is Michael Jackson.... we have known him through the years when he was still in Jackson 5.... singing our favorite songs for e.g "I want you back", "ABC" and etc. Than came the time when Michael became a solo artist coming up with albums such as Off the Wall (1979), Thriller (1982), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and History (1995). I still remember those times when i used to be a little girl, and my dad used to play the album 'Bad' on the cassette player and i will dance to his songs.
But one experience i can't forget, was when Breakthru (the dance team) decided to use 'Bit It' as one of our performance during my ex-company annual dinner. It was one of the most memorable experience i could ever remember. He will be deeply miss by most of us and insyallah his in a better place right now. We love you Michael....
But one experience i can't forget, was when Breakthru (the dance team) decided to use 'Bit It' as one of our performance during my ex-company annual dinner. It was one of the most memorable experience i could ever remember. He will be deeply miss by most of us and insyallah his in a better place right now. We love you Michael....
(Ref: Wikipedia & JustJared)
Transformers review
I'm sure by now, most of you guys might have catch the movie adi... well practically it's an awesome movie. A must see movie this summer.... especially if you love Transformers.
The storyline has not changed much... lots of new characters in it... an exciting plot as always... and the main character that i've been waiting for so long 'OPTIMUS PRIME'.... love him always.... Megan Fox hot as ever...
Those of you who have not catch it... please go watch it... I'm sure it'll be played for more than a month or so. The family wants to go watch it for 2nd round, this time gotta force the hubby to tag along.
The storyline has not changed much... lots of new characters in it... an exciting plot as always... and the main character that i've been waiting for so long 'OPTIMUS PRIME'.... love him always.... Megan Fox hot as ever...
Those of you who have not catch it... please go watch it... I'm sure it'll be played for more than a month or so. The family wants to go watch it for 2nd round, this time gotta force the hubby to tag along.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen

Yes!!!! manage to reserve the tickets for next Wednesday's 3pm screening at GSC Midvalley... how cool is that. Was a bit worried at first, coz it was a buzz on FB about tickets being sold out and all. Don't think it'll be my first time watching it... coz the hubby's not coming along, he happens to work by the way. This time i'll be going with the lil sis, lil bro and mom... yup mom's taking leave to watch the movie with us, she's been waiting for it too.... hahaha.
Hopefully once the hubby makes up his mind when he is free, i'll be making my way to IMAX theatre to purchase those tickets. IMAX theatre, in Times Square, happens to have a screen which is 5x larger than any other screen cinema's which also equals to the ticket price being more which is about RM15. But it's really cool, coz the surround system is just perfect.... those of you who has never been there... should check it out one day.
Anyway can't wait to watch it... so insyallah i'll be able to blog about it next week... hehehe. Till than take care.... Assallamualaikum....
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Movies & Tickets to Urbanscapes 2009
Wow.... things has been going pretty busy lately.... but not gonna mentioned about it here... anyway's lately i was able to check out the new movie in the theatre's... well it's not new anymore, coz i'm sure most of you guys have watched it... went to check it out with the lil sis and the cousin sister.... yes it's not other than 'Angels & Demons'.

I think it's a really nice show with an exciting storyline and a really good plot. I didn't feel bored at all.... as the movie just keeps giving you more and more expectations to it. Anyway i'm not gonna have a boring review of it (coz i'm bad at giving reviews sometimes... hahaha). Conclusion is it's a good movie, not to be missed. Those who didn't have the opportunity to check it out, please get an original copy of it... when it comes out... or for those who have ASTRO... you will definitely get to see it by end of this year or next year.
Next thing, is the KLUE Urbanscapes is coming up next weekend... and i can't wait to go... it's in KLPAC again... which is pretty near to my parents house.. hehehe.... Last year i went to check out with the cousin sister, this year the lil sis wants to join along... so last Tuesday we went out to The Gardens.... coz lil sis did her research earlier (which is, certain selected Borders outlet was selling the tickets at a promotional price). The current price right now for the tickets is RM25, if you buy it on the day itself... it will be RM35.

But here's the deal, Borders was going to sell it for RM45 for a pair of tickets. Which basically means RM 22.50 for each ticket.... so... imagine when we went over to ask the tickets... the guy actually said... this is the last pair of tickets... (yes... it's totally sold out over there). Wow.... a real close call... if not i guess Amanda and i will be wasting our time and effort. After purchasing the tickets we went browsing around the magazine corner and the books corner... was searching for the Little Black Dress corner... till Amanda found it. They had so many new titles... some old ones too, which i have not read yet... was so tempted to buy some for myself... but i can't due to lack of cash. And the book is getting pricier too... it used to be RM19.90... but now is RM21.90... wow RM2 more.... hmmm... anyway i have two more books to read first (it was given by the lil sis for Christmas)... currently reading the one below

Once it's done..... i can read the next one.... but knowing me,.... i like to keep at least 1 or 2 books in stock... so at least when i'm done. I know i have the other one on standby to read... hehe... as weird as it may sound... that's me.
Hope this years KLUE Urbanscapes will have more to offer... it seems there'll be 100 vendors in the bazaar.... yes shopping... but have to be more thrifty this time.... and loads of photo's... can't wait for it... till than... take care guys...

I think it's a really nice show with an exciting storyline and a really good plot. I didn't feel bored at all.... as the movie just keeps giving you more and more expectations to it. Anyway i'm not gonna have a boring review of it (coz i'm bad at giving reviews sometimes... hahaha). Conclusion is it's a good movie, not to be missed. Those who didn't have the opportunity to check it out, please get an original copy of it... when it comes out... or for those who have ASTRO... you will definitely get to see it by end of this year or next year.
Next thing, is the KLUE Urbanscapes is coming up next weekend... and i can't wait to go... it's in KLPAC again... which is pretty near to my parents house.. hehehe.... Last year i went to check out with the cousin sister, this year the lil sis wants to join along... so last Tuesday we went out to The Gardens.... coz lil sis did her research earlier (which is, certain selected Borders outlet was selling the tickets at a promotional price). The current price right now for the tickets is RM25, if you buy it on the day itself... it will be RM35.

But here's the deal, Borders was going to sell it for RM45 for a pair of tickets. Which basically means RM 22.50 for each ticket.... so... imagine when we went over to ask the tickets... the guy actually said... this is the last pair of tickets... (yes... it's totally sold out over there). Wow.... a real close call... if not i guess Amanda and i will be wasting our time and effort. After purchasing the tickets we went browsing around the magazine corner and the books corner... was searching for the Little Black Dress corner... till Amanda found it. They had so many new titles... some old ones too, which i have not read yet... was so tempted to buy some for myself... but i can't due to lack of cash. And the book is getting pricier too... it used to be RM19.90... but now is RM21.90... wow RM2 more.... hmmm... anyway i have two more books to read first (it was given by the lil sis for Christmas)... currently reading the one below

Once it's done..... i can read the next one.... but knowing me,.... i like to keep at least 1 or 2 books in stock... so at least when i'm done. I know i have the other one on standby to read... hehe... as weird as it may sound... that's me.
Hope this years KLUE Urbanscapes will have more to offer... it seems there'll be 100 vendors in the bazaar.... yes shopping... but have to be more thrifty this time.... and loads of photo's... can't wait for it... till than... take care guys...
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